Friday, February 3, 2012

The Life of a Journalism Student

Notes, pizza, energy drink, purple earbuds and
Final Cut Pro.  My best friends for the night.
It's 2:30 Friday morning and where am I? Not at home snuggling with my husband and kitties. No matter how much I dream of that, I'm at school. Putting together a video for a group project. I think I'm going to go home soon. I've done what my brain can handle. But first thing in the morning I'm going to come back and do some more!

This seems to happen quite frequently as a journalism student. And I'm not the only one. There are at least three other students in this building working on their projects. I remember last term there were a few nights when I stayed very very late.

So this is how it is in the world of journalism. Lonely late nights in a scary dark building. My career plan is to be a copy editor. I chose this career because it is something that I can do from home when I have a family. At least when it gets to that point I will be working late in my warm bed with my kitties at my feet and my husband at my side. Cute vision right? Think it will really work out that way? I don't know. But I don't really want any more of this 2:30 in the morning cold, dark lonely building crap.

I just keep reminding myself - One more year. One more year. One more year. You can do it, Jessica! I have faith in you!

Well, until next time, my friends.