My super stud-ular sunglasses. Oh Yeah! |
I have to say, I'm getting a little nervous, but so excited at the same time. My acceptance letter for the Mexico program says that I'm accepted, **contingent on my grade point average in my Spanish courses. I have to have a B average or higher. I don't know if I'm going to be able to manage it. I'm working my tail off, but I still seem to be sitting at a C. I even got myself a tutor. How is it working out that way? I don't get it. However, I'm going to Mexico whether they kick me out of the program or not. The tickets are bought. There's no going back.
We found out about living arrangements last Wednesday. That was exciting. Our señora is Paty and she's an older woman who lives by herself. She has a daughter who is our age, but she's living in France right now. Don't know why. We'll ask. She also has a son who is, like, in his 40s I think. I don't know anything about him. I think she said something about having grandchildren. Paty is a beautician. She says she works a lot but she'll have time to spend with us when we get there and that it's going to be fun! I have to say, I was kind of looking forward to the big family experience. But that's ok. I think it'll be more relaxing with just the mom.
Most of our class will be heading down on Saturday or Sunday. Brandon and I decided to go on Friday so that we can catch our bearings, learn the city, and have some time to relax. The school term starts that Monday. Not much of a rest time, right?
A couple weeks ago we had an orientation and some students who just completed the program came and talked to us about what to expect. It's made me a little bit more nervous but then at the same time made me feel a little better. It's a strange mix of emotions. A couple of new concerns this meeting has brought up for me:
- I guess there are random downpours. It's made me rethink what shoes to bring. But then, how will any of my shoes act in downpours? What do they do to protect their shoes? We were told that none of them wore rain boots. And why would they if there are only short downpours and then it goes back to being a nice day? And I still need to go out and find a nice rain coat.
- They talked a lot about getting sick. One of the girls is a foodie like me. She said, you're going to get sick anyway, so just enjoy your experience and eat whatever you want. Another girl stressed to be really careful, though. We have to always ask about the water we're given. And the ice. Don't forget the ice. We were given medications by the health center at school for when we do get sick. I don't like getting sick, my friends. I think I'm more scared of that than anything. I want to try all of the food! But I don't want to be sick. Ahhh the dilemas of travel.
Luckily those are the only things I'm really worried about. I feel like I can handle anything else that comes my way. So that's where things stand, my friends! Couple weeks to go and we'll have 6 weeks in Mexico! Make sure to tune in because this is going to be the most rockin' travel blog ever.
Until next time!
¡Hasta la próxima!