For the last few years we've been building up a vacation fund and we've finally both committed to contributing to it. We're now adding in leftover student loans, tax refunds, and gifts. I think we're at a few thousand dollars now. Pretty good, right? Well, the plan we have right now is going to cost quite a bit more. Now, I know the immediate reaction to this: "Holy frick; what are you doing?!" That quote is not only for the travel, but any extra expenses. We'll have bills here at home while we're gone, along with the supplies we need to get, flights, travel between countries, food, housing, phones, etc. So all that to say this: We're going into debt for this trip. It's been decided. So there.
The original plan was just to go to Europe and to see as many sights as possible in the span of one month. We figure we would use this time we have when we're young, have jobs we can leave behind, and have no kids, to see the big stuff. Then, when our kids are grown and moved out we can go back and see the smaller things we missed. While we were moving forward with that plan, a woman came into my Spanish class to tell us about a study abroad program in Mexico. This is a six week program and it would cover my entire second year of Spanish. Again - I would not have to take Spanish at all next year or ever again! We'll take it! The program supports families, so Brandon can come along and it would be part vacation part accomplishing things! So now our Europe trip has turned into a Mexico and Europe summer vacation.
Brandon has been able to do a lot of research in regards to where to go, how to get there, and how much everything will cost. I think we've got a pretty legit plan going on. It isn't set in stone or anything. Right now we're discussing switching Mexico and Europe. If we do the last session of Mexico, then we could have an extra week in Europe. The only downside with that plan is that I would be spending ten days there by myself and would have to fly home alone. Brandon's master's program starts at the end of August and he needs to be back home in time. I think this is the direction we're going to end up taking anyway.
So, this is going to be part travel blog. As we make progress in planning our trip of a lifetime I will make updates on what is going on. Just yesterday I ordered my passport. When that arrives I have an update in mind, so keep an eye out for it. I should be getting it in four to six weeks. Tomorrow, I should be getting my backpack and walking shoes so I can break them in in time.
So there it is, my friends. Until next week!
Amsterdam (1 night)
Prague (2 nights)
- Traditional pub?
- Bunkr Parukarka (night club)
- Memmingen (1.5 hour bus ride away)
- Gondolae
- Colosseum
- Vatican
- St. Peter’s
Paris (4 nights)
- Lourve
- Eiffel tower,
- Arc de triomphe
- Beaches of Normandy?
- Palace
- Bath, stonehenge day trip
- Ancient tombs and junk
- Pubs