Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pets on delivery - The First

I love when I get a warning at the door!
While on delivery I never know what's going to happen at the door.  It could be anything.  Small children screaming, adults screaming, music blasting, the disgusting smells of the pack-rat, the delicious smells of the baker, etc. But I know what to prepare for when I hear one thing: I walk up to the door and all is quiet.  I reach out my hand to knock when suddenly, upon the first touch of knuckle to door, there is a massive explosion of barking on the other side.  I've heard so many different kinds: the hound dog, the ankle biter, the excited, and the protective.

When I hear this explosion, I know that I need to be prepared for whatever is going to shoot out that door and I tighten my grip on my pizza bag in preparation.  Twice, so far, I've been left standing at the door holding pizzas, completely dumbfounded as dog took off running down the street.  The owner shoots out the door running after the dog cussing up an angry storm, leaving me behind wondering what I should do next.

Not all dogs are bad, though.  I see so many that are so well behaved.  Some of them simply crack me up. There are many dogs that will remain in my memory for a very long time.

One of them is an English Bulldog.  I've delivered to his home about three times now.  As soon as I knock on the door I can hear him on the other side.  He doesn't bark, though.  He snorts.  This dog is so excited when the door opens.  He doesn't run and jump on me or anything (I think he might be too fat), he paces around the door snorting like a hungry piggy, almost to the point of hyperventilation.  I just want to cuddle him and give him loves.  His owners laugh at my reaction to him every time.  And tip pretty well, too!

Dogs make great conversation pieces at the door.  I delivered to a house that had a Boston Terrier who was missing an eye.  I made a comment about it and got a story about how one of the bigger dogs hit him and it took his eye out. They're waiting for doggy goggles to come in the mail.  Apparently this is something that people commonly use for dogs like the Boston Terrier.  Since he's got buggy eyes, they're in more danger of injury, so they get doggy goggles to protect the eyeballs.  I learned something new that day.

So this will be my first of my "Pets on Delivery" series.  As my stories come, I will continue to post them here.  Hopefully I can get some good ones to provide a little bit of entertainment for you.

I will simply leave you today with word of advice, my friends - If you have a runner and you order pizza, prepare for my arrival! You know I'm coming.  Put your dog in the back room when I knock on the door.  It would make our transaction so much easier in the end.  And you don't have to stand at the door kicking your dog back.

Until next time!